· news · 6 min read
Panmoni Flipstarter Final Report
This post represents the final delivery of the Sep 2020 Panmoni flipstarter.
I, George Donnelly, ran a flipstarter in Sep 2020 that was funded in 5 hours flat. This post represents the final delivery of that flipstarter.
75 BCH Merchants
- 1038 merchants via stats.panmoni.com, discover.cash & map.bitcoin.com
We submitted 908 merchants to map.bitcoin.com. 357 were accepted, 42 were rejected and 509 remain pending. We have cooperated extensively with the team via support.bitcoin.com to provide them the information they have requested to process the pending submissions.
4 Meetups
- 69 via stats.panmoni.com including:
- 12 on meetup.com: https://www.meetup.com/bchcaracas/events/past/
- 13+ videos of events: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL92ognmkx-f4YUEVbjLhOSaPCJu0JMa3M
Here is the full list of events:
- 1-2021-06-24-Krispy Donuts Chacao
- 2-2021-02-11-Sociedad del Café
- 3-2021-02-11-Smash Avocado
- 4-2021-06-27-Teatro Don Bosco
- 5-2020-01-03-Periscope
- 6-2020-01-03-Periscope
- 7-2020-01-06-Periscope
- 9-2021-06-26-Casa del agente Fabian Contreras
- 10-2021-06-26-Residencias El Encantado
- 11-2021-06-25-Mercado Proveeduría La Reserva
- 12-2020-10-01-Zoom y Canal de YouTube de Panmoni
- 13-2020-12-09-Hotel Renaissance de la Castellana
- 14-2020-12-14-Hotel Renaissance de la Castellana
- 15-2021-06-27-Concha Acústica de Guanare
- 16-2021-07-01-Espacios de Ferreteria Fermil
- 17-2021-07-08-Café Sushi One
- 18-2021-07-02-Radio Bar Caracas
- 19-2021-07-02-Estudio Go Producciones
- 20-2021-07-04-Casa de Jennifer
- 21-2021-07-04-Casa de Jennifer
- 22-2021-07-04-Casa de Stephany
- 23-2021-07-06-Universidad Nacional Experimental Simon Rodriguez
- 24-2021-07-11-Kiosko Mi Orgullo
- 25-2021-07-08-Arepas Full Sabor
- 26-2021-07-08-Canguro 1 City Market
- 27-2021-07-08-Canguro 2 City MArket
- 28-2021-07-08-Canguro 3 City Market
- 29-2021-07-12-Centro Comercial Gran Bazar
- 30-2021-07-12-Centro Comercial Gran Bazar
- 31-2021-07-13-Lion Tech
- 32-2021-07-13-Centro Cultural Chacao
- 33-2021-07-16-Lion Tech Plaza Venezuela
- 34-2021-07-16-Iglesia San Bernardino, Salon Coromoto.
- 35-2021-07-17-Lion Tech sede Sabana Grande
- 36-2021-07-21-MindsCoWork
- 37-2021-07-21-Panaderia 76 (El Trial)
- 38-2021-07-21-Espacios Kanji Sushi Valencia
- 39-2021-07-24-Krispy Donuts Círculo Militar
- 40-2021-07-21-Café Mi Cosa
- 41-2021-07-25-Don Manuel Grill
- 42-2021-07-21-Krispy Donuts Valencia
- 43-2021-07-22-Burger Center
- 44-2021-07-22-Peluquería Velvet
- 45-2020-10-01-Zoom y Canal de Youtube
- 46-2020-09-16-Canal de Youtube y Zoom
- 47-2020-08-02-2020 Fork Day Celebration
- 48-2020-08-01-2020.bitcoincash.org
- 49-2020-06-19-Transmitido directamente por Youtube
- 50-2021-07-22-Casa de Diana
- 51-2021-07-22-Espacios de la Iglesia de San Bernardino
- 52-2021-07-24-Krispy Donuts Circulo Militar
- 53-2021-07-24-Krispy Donuts San Jacinto
- 54-2021-07-24-Krispy Donuts sede El Bosque
- 55-2021-07-24-Krispy Donuts sede Plaza Bicentenaria
- 56-2021-07-24-Krispy Donuts Sede Av Miranda
- 57-2021-07-25-Krispy Donuts Sede El Terminal
- 58-2021-07-25-Krispy Donuts Sede El Limón
- 59-2021-07-25-Krispy Donuts Sede Cagua
- 60-2021-07-25-Krispy Donuts La Encrucijada
- 61-2021-08-04-WeConnect
- 62-2021-07-28-Edificio Valparaiso
- 63-2021-07-28-Casa de Maria
- 64-2021-07-28-Casa de Silvino
- 65-2021-08-06-Lion Tech – CC Sambil
- 67-2021-08-05-Lion Tech sede Sambil
- 68-2021-08-18-El Universo del Churro
- 69-2021-08-18-Theater Club
- 72-2021-08-18-Espacios WeConnect
- 73-2021-09-09-Grachi
6 Liquidity Providers
6 Combo Remittances
3 Educational Videos
3 BCH Life Vlogs
3 Livestreams
- https://youtu.be/bBDA8QGaCoc
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9u9J6IJuqrA
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GpZFB0-8WI
30 Social Media Posts
72 Video Tutorials
I had to rethink this deliverable along the way as I was unable to source the professional video editors required who would accept BCH.
- 3 Bitcoin.com wallet tutorials https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfCBnMrjKRClnfdFU86KhlbuyBCkbgo6m
- 1 localized onboarding tutorial prototype for Pakistan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mv33eYAQtXo
- 25 BCH is Money videos. These will be published automatically one per weekday thru 22 Dec 2021 and will appear in this playlist. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfCBnMrjKRCn28y_p0TPUgKlCsm2lvbuH
- 23 reels / tiktoks https://www.instagram.com/bchlatam/reels/ & https://www.tiktok.com/@bchlatam & https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUSHjizxJYH0K7oYhW6gQ9iG4g & https://twitter.com/hashtag/CompraConBCH
- 20 miscellaneous videos
- https://youtu.be/SLX4zLjSg2A
- https://youtu.be/xVYmpdQ4Big
- https://youtu.be/WnXGRKrAnWE
- https://youtu.be/ii-eQ4GbmDU
- https://youtu.be/HjHOgTUDf2s
- https://youtu.be/eG_ave8dcuM
- https://youtu.be/Tiksk3yuVpU
- https://youtu.be/nof0QqmUC3o
- https://youtu.be/JTw6t16HfUo
- https://youtu.be/DXB4w35q_Y4
- https://youtu.be/gzziDTEOSuo
- https://youtu.be/0L9mn1aA8bk
- https://youtu.be/pogV-ljtD9U
- https://youtu.be/RggTrsXuJhw
- https://youtu.be/DHgUCARLv3Y
- https://youtu.be/TFCbhn_W448
- https://youtu.be/JMC5IZ-J4bM
- https://youtu.be/dF75HibUfu0
- https://youtu.be/ZIktf70K_7g
- https://youtu.be/gKF44cfTobY
120 Social Media Graphics
- 19 https://bitcoincashsite.com/blog/did-you-know-get-the-facts-on-bitcoin-cash/
- 12 https://bitcoincashsite.com/blog/bitcoin-cash-use-case-graphics/
- 27 https://bitcoincashsite.com/blog/2021-01-vision-graphics/
- 52 https://bitcoincashsite.com/blog/bitcoin-cash-problem-solution-graphics-series/
- 19 https://bitcoincashsite.com/blog/bitcoin-cash-primed-to-rise-graphics-series/
4 Marketing Campaigns
- Bitcoin Agents Venezuela http://gobitcoinagents.com/ https://bitcoincashsite.com/blog/announcing-bitcoin-agents-venezuela/ https://bitcoincashsite.com/blog/bitcoin-cash-consumer-adoption-taking-off-in-venezuela/ https://bitcoincashsite.com/blog/bitcoin-agents-venezuela-2021-summary-report/
- Project 1M (cancelled due to lack of ecosystem support) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltxmlf2RyU4 https://old.bitcoincash.site/1m/ https://bitcoincashsite.com/blog/announcing-bitcoin-cash-1m/
- Buy with BCH (16 videos) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL92ognmkx-f7EjKWS9DdFab0G0VMDn1G3
- Project 500-5 https://twitter.com/GeorgeDonnelly/status/1414660080633532427 & https://twitter.com/GeorgeDonnelly/status/1377630084601888768
4 Landing Pages / Sequences
- https://go.bchlatam.com/abordo
- https://go.bitcoincashsite.com/consumer
- https://bitcoincashsite.com/work/#merchants
- https://bitcoincashsite.com/es/trabajar/#merchants
- https://go.bitcoincashsite.com/startyourbiz This one is half-done but there are 308 people waiting for the EN version and 12 for the ES version.
1 Mentoring Forum
24 Livestreams
I found interviews were more effective than livestreams so I substituted some interviews.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDENzVt-g9U
- https://youtu.be/lQTmDjlYviE
- https://youtu.be/GbS7Q4pb-yg
- https://youtu.be/Ojt-jdw34fw
- https://youtu.be/Oyz3foSVHDk
- https://youtu.be/dOukb9e0wdI
- https://youtu.be/F2rPpYQnP2o
- https://youtu.be/HUGE6RWQTG0
- https://youtu.be/CmzfDM7UHeU
- https://youtu.be/oAQYfW0TRtI
- https://youtu.be/wrWKjLBJFvA
- https://youtu.be/hCtYjKbYBwU
- https://youtu.be/LYAufHaBRTU
- https://youtu.be/rASHZ_Kn9RM
- https://youtu.be/xxaFPTCkez8
- https://youtu.be/QZJ1Al50xfc
- https://youtu.be/4KIcD4is_64
- https://youtu.be/GpNGwJyituw
- https://youtu.be/MKZzIpZuhaI
- https://youtu.be/vjG03ZK8bEU
- https://twitter.com/GeorgeDonnelly/status/1428387245212545028 (Clubhouse)
- https://twitter.com/GeorgeDonnelly/status/1425502832367648768 (Twitter Spaces)
- https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/ok5ure/bch_highlevel_marketing_brainstorming_zoom_call/ (zoom)
- https://bitcoincashsite.com/blog/meet-guy-fawkes-the-mysterious-bitcoin-cash-developer-behind-battleroyale-cash-satoshi-pyramid/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbykkbuCY7s
- https://bitcoincashsite.com/blog/meet-yumeko-cash-the-intrepid-new-smartbch-builder-behind-tokenbridge-cash/ (also in CN)
- https://twitter.com/GeorgeDonnelly/status/1450590316382367744 https://youtu.be/Gy6I6N8eUAc (Twitter Spaces)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPNZciQAHQo (Twitter Spaces)
- https://bitcoincashsite.com/blog/meet-bch-games-a-no-bullshit-crypto-casino-built-with-bitcoin-cash/
2 Special Events
This did not work out because I discovered that the skills and interest required for it were lacking in the target market. We replaced these goals with the additional ones below.
100 Sets of Brand Gear
- 186
- polos in Nigeria https://twitter.com/GeorgeDonnelly/status/1386762102367559681
- t-shirts in Venezuela https://twitter.com/BitcoinCashSite/status/1421122308341702657
- there are many photos of our team members in Venezuela and Colombia with BCH Latam polo shirts.
24 PR Content
- Flipstarters video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es18HIu9le0
- The Road to Mass Adoption documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arFDrjx_2JY
- Around the world video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ml6MTmb2hM0
- BTC fees, UTXOs burn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxAUgSwfX6U
- Bitcoin Pizza Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkLlQncr7uQ (EN ES)
- BCH is Permissionless https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImiflXHbMIE (EN ES)
- build business video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzTc_p_8n_o (EN ES)
- you control video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pe2h-fK4SiE (EN ES)
- unofficial roadmap https://bitcoincashsite.com/blog/unofficial-bitcoin-cash-roadmap-2021/
- LEPO BCH Aid https://youtu.be/KmPuVfn8FZI
- VE influencer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwmhVHwxZoY https://bitcoincashsite.com/blog/venezuelan-influencer-aigil-gomez-joins-bitcoin-cash/
- VE to IT remittance video https://youtu.be/AXFfb3nUrCk
- Ian AR onboarding video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcXC_YcgiYs
- 30+ BCH Future vlogs https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfCBnMrjKRCnJXCwtBGPQ0bIkIRPTVuZL
- Podcasts https://podcast.bitcoincash.site/ 51 episodes
- Promotions, Bounties and Contests (LazyFox and elsewhere) 5+ https://lazyfox.io/users
- The bitcoincashsite.com website
- New Merchant Image Series (insta) http://www.instagram.com/bchlatam/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcCYULAtqUs
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkKbrI3Axrg
- https://twitter.com/GeorgeDonnelly/status/1451601350882742277
- https://twitter.com/BitcoinCashSite/status/1453763250668060683 https://twitter.com/BitcoinCashSite/status/1453038474270019589
- hundreds of new merchant tweets, eg https://twitter.com/BitcoinCashSite/status/1446490049818804224
- hundreds of new user tweets, eg https://twitter.com/BitcoinCashSite/status/1446491689426817025
- https://twitter.com/BitcoinCashSite/status/1443254008236367879
- @BitcoinCashSite (#61) and @BCHLatam (#73) are now popular Twitter accounts in the crypto space according to https://top.visitory.com/LeaderBoard/hashtag/CryptoLeaders/
5 Reports
1 Coordinating Group
It was created and functioned for months but despite invitations we saw that no one was interested in this, so we abandoned it. https://t.me/joinchat/VYVCU0fmEDSAl4UZ
Stretch Goals
- New Onboarded People 2,577
- New Onboarded Contractors 243
- Cities with Verifiable Activity 90
- Email list subscribers 8,022
- Partially-Automated Onboarding System
- Open-licensed policies for mass adoption programs in two languages https://bitcoincashsite.com/work/policies/
- API Server
- Merchant Directory discover.cash including the FOSS code behind it, which was created by Shomari Prince under contract. We invite collaborators and feedback.
- stats.panmoni.com (incl spending transparency)
- BCH Support Desk https://panmoni.freshdesk.com/ & [email protected]
- Electron Cash Mobile UI/UX Improvement Testing https://old.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/pu1pel/earn_50_in_bch_by_helping_us_with_electron_cash/ & https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/qlx8fn/electron_cash_mobile_wallets_uiux_survey_results/
Unfinished Projects
We have about a dozen more projects in progress. However, our time ran out on or we simply lack the funding to execute them properly. They may or may not be delivered in the future in some form or another. These projects include the following.
- BAV documentary
- BAV photo book
- Fully-automated onboarding system with merchant self-verification (Pearl)
- Merchant self-onboarding funnels in English and Spanish (partially complete)
- Discover.cash next iteration
- merch store (we already have some unique and never-before-seen art for it)
- a BCH high-level marketing campaign
- build relationships with PR agencies and give the community the opportunity to hire one
- another remittances pilot
- a new FOSS mobile wallet that can be extended to serve the remittances business plan
- a BCH product for NGOs
- create a glitzy one-page website that shows off BCH in Venezuela, the best merchants, tiktoks, educational videos, onboarding videos and more in order to generate PR for BCH in Latam
- and quite a few more
Background Information
Past Reports
Financial Situation
We are essentially out of funds and this represents the end of the project.
PAN token
I have ended the PAN token sale at memo.cash as the sale was ultimately not successful. If we do another token, we may exchange outstanding PAN tokens.
Some PAN tokens may still appear for sale but that is only because I have canceled them several times and the offers refuse to disappear. Please disregard any such offers from me.
Thank you
I am very proud of what my organization has achieved over the last 2 years working as part of the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem.
- We faced down FUD and jealous hate, including multiple “Two-Minutes Hate” threads on r/btc.
- I stepped up to play a conciliatory role during the Bitcoin ABC controversy.
- We progressed our ground adoption and marketing efforts despite the insane lockdowns and other restrictions of 2020.
- We continued with Bitcoin Cash during and after the 2020 network split, defending the network in the process and rendering some small assistance to the BCHN team.
- We proved yet again that we are the real deal. We produced world-class results no one has yet come close to, including in the area of transparency and community communication.
Thanks everyone for your support and attention. We would not have been able to do this without you.
Thanks especially to those who funded us and made all of this possible.
Mike Komaransky
Georg Engelmann
Roger Ver
Satoshi’s Angels
“Adam Draper”
Henry Cashlitt
Jonathan Toomim
emergent reasons
Shomari Prince
John Floss
Holy Jesus Piece
Crazy (loco) Money (pecunia)
PAN token buyers and holders everywhere
Read.cash and noise.cash tippers and likers everywhere
Chaintippers on Reddit and Twitter